RMH Point of Sale Solution

What Exactly Is RMH?

RMH is dubbed ‘RMS Successor’ by the POS experts. RMS was once the most widely used point of sale solution in the early 2000s to mid 2010s. Following it’s end of life, the platform begin to lose support and users on a whole. During this time, developers were working on it’s replacement. In 2016, came RMH, a joint effort between Hero and Retail Realm.

Built on the RMS core functionality and features, users can expect RMH to feel close to RMS with bells and whistles from the application upgrade. Not only is RMH much more resilient, it can be more user-friendly and pleasing to the eye.

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Why Choose RMH

RMS Successor

RMS was once the most popular POS Solution back in the early 2000s. After its End-of-Life (EOL) back in 2012, developers began the RMH project. Built on the popular platform, RMH is resilent and more dependable than its predecessor RMS.

Mobility of RMH

If you’re a mobile store or pop-up shop, RMH allows for greater flexibility through mobility. Having the ability to tender transactions on the move both in real-time or later sync to main DB, the mobility module is available with the same features you get from the store applications.


RMH can be integrated into various online platforms to allow customers access to your business services. These are not limited to Amazon, Shoplify, Woo Commerce and Quickbooks/Sage Accounting.


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